70th Annual Destin Fishing Rodeo
Posted on September 25, 2018 - Laura Bernstien
photo credit https://www.destinfishingrodeo.org/rodeo-fun-for-everyone/view-rodeo-fun/
Since 1948, the Destin Fishing Rodeo has been a tradition. It helped Destin become “The World’s Luckiest Fishing Village”. This fishing tournament is for anglers of every age and has a history spanning generations. Weigh-ins are behind A.J.’s every day of the event from 10am-7pm. Shark Saturday is every Saturday of the tournament with a cash prize presented every Saturday to the fisherman with the largest shark. On October 9th, Kid’s FallFest will happen from 12pm-2pm. The event will have face painting, art, crafts, and pumpkin decorating. The tournament closes out with Halloween on the Harbor, a Halloween party that concludes with fireworks.
Destin Fishing Rodeo
October 1, 2018-October 31, 2018
Location: Destin Harbor
Destin Fishing Rodeo
Parking & Weigh-Ins
AJ’s Seafood & Oyster Bar
116 Harbor Blvd, Destin, FL 32541
(850) 837-1913